
Creating new layer in sheetcam
Creating new layer in sheetcam

creating new layer in sheetcam creating new layer in sheetcam

There is a icon selection in Sheetcam that will show you where every problem exists with white dots. I was taught to go back to the drawing program you are using zoom in on the area fix and save as rewriting over your old file than go back to sheetcam. Like something needs trimmed off or extended. That tends to mean there is an issue with that spot on the line.

creating new layer in sheetcam

Got odd gaps in my exterior path Software.I just looked at my Sheetcam and that box under plugins us UNchecked also and everything has been working fine. One easy way to check is to have a standard 1" square in your design file with a different color so you can ignore it easily in Sheetcam later. Saved it with Inch scale and imported into SheetCam with 1. I put together a test pattern in Inkscape yesterday, squares in squares, and the dimensions are perfect. UPDATE: I just checked the previous design and it was scaled correctly, however, the difference was that that design was using Metric units… Very perplexing…. Maybe I should check my last design output. Importing the design as SVG I had to scale the drawing by 0. A single SheetCam job with two parts, three operations four if you count the embedded M6 to halt processing while I changed nozzlesand twice nicely cut pieces with no gaps and fine, except where a bit of tweaking on the nozzle height would have improved the profile. Since I wanted the G-Code to keep related layers in the same operations holes first, cutouts next, and finally outlinesI decided merging DXFs in Inkscape was the best approach. 800 hundred wordsĪs a followup to my followup, I ended up merging the plate that was failing in original post, with another plate for the same project. He admitted that the DXF file was technically correct, but it was messing up his spline code.

creating new layer in sheetcam

It could be old definition files or conversion routines in Sheetcam or a known defect in the way DXF describes the artifact that everyone else has coded around. Probably could do something similar in Inkscape, but CamBam is actually much easier than Inkscape in this case. Still waiting for a response from SheetCam forum although it is academic as the workaround is solid and not especially difficult as Workarounds go. It recognized 2 layers - an inside and outside. Just another data point for you from another vector program - I imported into Adobe Illustrator. Solid Edge would have never extruded it in the first place if it had been open. If you saved it as an SVG and brought it into Sheetcam does it do the same thing? I drew a rectangle and then applied a fillet to each corner. Try manually extending them or adding line segments. It may be the type of line defined to tie those boxes together. CamBam only had the two layers in its data. Seems like I saw a post a while back that had something to do with layers not showing up in sheetcam. Furthermore, it also seems as if the gap size is proportional the length of the segment leading up to it like there is some gross scaling error. Looking at the SheetCam image, it appears as if there is a gap when a line segment actually a spline begins at a straight line and terminates at an arc, and there is NO gap when the line segment begins at an Arc and terminates at a straight line segment.

Creating new layer in sheetcam